About Us

Jhelumnews.com is the first-ever newspaper of the Jhelum district that started its publication in 2003, marking significant progress in journalism in the region. Its impact was felt not only in Jhelum but also around the world, where the Jhelum community is present. Jhelum News dot com was initiated by senior journalist Imran Bashir, and it was a masterpiece of his expertise in web design and technology. Within a few days of its launch, the website connected hundreds of thousands of Jhelum residents with the rest of the world. Jhelum News has been dedicated to serving the people of the Jhelum district for more than two decades, focusing on factual and people-centered journalism, and it aims to amplify the voices of the community to the halls of power. Jhelum News dot com is equipped with the world’s best technology and journalism standards and will continue to serve the nation and overseas Pakistanis for years to come. The organization behind Jhelum News is based in Jhelum.